#allan wilson
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anamoon63 · 1 month ago
Okay, guys, about the Sims 4… Sigh. I'd really like to tell you that the story is going to continue, but it's hard cause I haven't even picked up the game in months. Like I said before, I just can't cope with all these updates and events, and all this new pack spam. It's become intolerable for me, cause every time EA updates or releases a pack, I have to update the myriad of mods that are NEEDED to make my game enjoyable.
Seriously, I don't know what I'd do without all those wonderful Sims 4 mods, I love them, but having to update them every time complicates it all and, frankly, I'm fed up with it. I'm done. Sometimes I just want Inzoi to come out in March and call it a day. Please don't take this the wrong way, The Sims 4 is fun, but I feel that, every new content EA force into the game breaks it even more and renders it unplayable for me.
Anyway, enough rant. What I came to tell you is, I haven't played The Sims 4, but I still have a lot of footage to post. I still have some pics from 2024, which I took when the Wilsons moved to their new house. Yes, they moved again back to Del Sol Valley but to a different house, cause as you may remember, their original and beautiful house, my favorite, ended up corrupted thanks to For Rent EP.
I also have a folder of screenshots from October/November 2023, when the family still lived in their old house. I suppose I was so upset and frustrated with happened to that house, that I just wanted to move on and start over in Brindleton Bay, leaving all this footage unpublished.
So, while I decide if I'll be playing The Sims 4 during 2025 and continue with the Wilson family's story, we'll take a little trip back in time, to see what happened before they lost their house in Del Sol Valley and before Allan relapsed and had to go back to rehab.
In order not to confuse you, I'll be labeling those posts as ‘Del Sol Valley Memories’. There we'll learn about events that have already been mentioned, but we didn't see happen, like Lukas and Kennedy's early graduation, or Kennedy and Orange's first close encounter in Sulani, along with other little tidbits of the Wilson's daily life.
I apologize for skipping such a big chunk of the story, which only goes to show how much I had on my plate last year. But this year I've decided to pick up on all my stories and, if not bring them to an end, at least move them forward a bit. And this includes The Wilsons.
I hope this new section will be to your liking. As soon as I finish it, I'll continue with the Wilsons' return to Del Sol Valley and their current life, which is really not much, and that will be it for now, as I'm still not sure what's going to happen with The Sims 4 when I get my hands on Inzoi and Paralives. I was hoping we'd have a Sims 5 as well, but I feel like that's not gonna happen. Don't get me wrong, I love The Sims 4, I love Allan and the Wilsons and all my other Sims 4 characters; I love as well reading other simmers' S4 amazing stories, I just can't put up with EA anymore.
Anyway, I hope you like the Del Sol Valley Memories, which will start later this week, or next at the latest. Stay tuned and thank you for reading. 🤗💖
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spiderliliez · 1 year ago
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Madeline and Roderick 🌹 Based on the short story by Edgar Allan Poe THE FALL OF THE HOUSE OF USHER (2023)
[+] ..more on “TFOTHOU” 🎬
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weirdlookindog · 3 months ago
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“We'll remove despair and the pain of love. Gentlemen, we shall restore her her pristine purity, the peace of paradise lost”
Histoires extraordinaires (1968)
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funeral · 1 month ago
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Edgar Allan Poe, William Wilson
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a-book-of-creatures · 1 year ago
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Edgar Allan Poe’s Raven, by Gahan Wilson.
From the Classics Illustrated The Raven.
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jewishgirlrevolt · 1 month ago
Things hurting the MCU and How to Fix it.
Not giving actors the ENTIRE SCRIPT because of constant fear of leak. Leaks have happened regardless. Fine don't let them leave with the script. But give them the WHOLE SCRIPT to read to understand WHERE the story is going. Unless they're only in one scene. Telling CHARACTER-driven stories, not big-scale insanity. You can tell a good, grounded story.
Get the right people to write and tell those stories. if you want a legal drama, hire someone who knows that. If you want a story with superhero geopolitics, hire a writer who's worked on political shows.
Ignoring and/or insulting comics creators and comics experts. Like holy shit. Comics creators can and do make GOOD tv and movie writers, and vice versa. Marc Guggenheim, Allan Heinberg, JMD, and others have all done comics and TV, and film. They understand how to ADAPT a story to film and television.
Disregard character backstories and what makes them unique and interesting, to force them into a thing just because social media will freak out cause X character that they know is in it, even though they're a complete 180, to the point of irrationality, compared to their comics counterpart. There's a difference between adapting and cutting to pieces.
NOT Seemingly having a REAL PLAN! Plan out an actual saga, even mini-arcs if you want them to matter and pace them. yes, there are circumstances you cannot foresee, like covid, strikes etc. But HAVE A PLAN of how each movie fits into the arc or saga. Multiversal Saga was an idea that didn't really feel like it paid off as a saga. If you're gonna have consultants on things like Jewish representation, make sure they also learn things about the character and aren't just answering your questions on what a Shiva is. Limit the number of tv shows and movies where necessary to not overload the audience.
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indulgenceai · 9 months ago
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This link: https://youtu.be/bVeebqsAGrA is to my Women of the Witcher Lookbook available on Youtube. Here are some Triss Merigold and Sabrina pics from it.
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glitter-stained · 3 months ago
Has a Deathstroke story inspired by Poe's William Wilson been done before? Idk that much about Deathstroke but it does seem enticing (tbh I saw "Wilson" and immediately thought of it), the idea of Slade finding himself haunted by a guilty conscience doppelganger sounds interesting
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My friend has a conspiracy board where they link a bunch of different people to will wood and claim they're the same person. They have Alex Brightman, Woodrow Willson, Tom Petty, and Edgar Allen Poe on the board and my friend claims that they're all secretly will wood.
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imvges-football · 10 days ago
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speakingparts · 1 year ago
how to manage in 2 minutes to draw a perfect portrait of how our society works. flanagan is a fucking genius.
thanx to Jae Erdinger.
The Fall of the House of Usher Mike Flanagan, 2023
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anamoon63 · 3 months ago
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Finally, around noon, suitcase in hand, Allan is back home. Kennedy and Anika came out to greet him. Anika: Wait, what is he wearing? Kennedy: Don't ask.
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Nobody asked, and a few hours later, Allan is dressed in his regular clothes, ready to go out and celebrate his return with his family. While Zoe and the rest went to change, Allan and Zeke waited for them in the kitchen. Zeke: So what did you do at that relab clinic? Allan: (Chuckles) It's rehab, and we didn't do much, we just relaxed, painted, exercised, took naps, you know, the usual.
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Zeke: Was the food good? Allan: Not as good as your mom's, but it was pretty decent. There wasn't any fast food, though. Zeke: Did they have a bar? Allan: (Gets serious). No, Z, there were no bars there, and there won't be one here anymore either, I assure you. Zeke: That's good. I don't want you to get sick again. Allan: I won't, I promise, buddy.
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screamscenepodcast · 3 months ago
We fast-forward through all THE TELL-TALE HEART adaptations over the decades to find ourselves at the 1960 version from director Ernest Morris! With an expanded story, will this adaptation keep you awake at night or wither beneath the floorboards? Starring Laurence Payne, Adrienne Corri and Dermot Walsh.
Context setting 00:00; Synopsis 24:49; Discussion 35:32; Ranking 53:01
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muerder-snail · 1 month ago
Tell-tale love is in the works!!
My dating sim tell-tale love is in the writing process! The characters have been designed and now the writing for episode one is in the works!
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I’m having a lot of fun so far but I’m struggling with a little bit. If y’all have any ideas, suggestions, or questions feel free to drop them in my ask box
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lasaraconor · 2 years ago
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emofayetonic13 · 1 year ago
Guys i realized i never posted these here 😧
Anyway this was for day 8 - Mirror
My favorite character from RednFlynn's nevermore, Will!!!
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